These fried potatoes are a perfect alternative for a family that looks fries – they are healthier, contain extra veg and are really quick! They can be eaten any number of ways, but are always golden, fluffy and delicious.I have found that my son will eat almost anything if I serve it in the shape of chips (fries).But it was my husband who showed me that there is something even better than ordinary fries when it comes to plain old potatoes.

I am the main cook in our house, but my husband is a great one, and really gets how to make simple things taste great.Potatoes, thyme, olive oil, salt… so basic, but it becomes something delicious.I’d have these over chips any day! This dish is really versatile and makes as good a breakfast hash as it does a hearty lunch or dinner.

Try serving it with these super-quick additions for a speedy dinner: off-the-bone free-range ham (ideally nitrate-free), a fried egg and salad leaves for a healthier ham, egg & chipson its own drizzled with pesto and topped with rocketwith grilled or pan-fried sustainable fish (especially nice is trout, sardines, mackerel, pollock or plaice)with the courgettes swapped out for (or added on top of) cubed squash, sweet potato or pumpkin, finely sliced leeks, cabbage or peppers, or adding fresh shredded greens (spinach/kale/chard) at the last minute until wiltedtopped with cheese (cubed hard cheese or grilled halloumi/paneer or feta are all delicious) or a plant-based protein like co

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