Although it’s an Italian pantry staple, semolina flour is used throughout the Mediterranean and the world.Explore the diverse ways we’ve incorporated this unique flour into these mouthwatering bakes.Semolina Chocolate Chip Cookies A blend of all-purpose and semolina flours gives these cookies a unique thick and chewy texture.  Recipe Greek Custard Cake Locally called politiko Thessalonikis, this rich cake is topped with a blanket of ground cinnamon.

Recipe Sfogliatelle Sfogliatelle, meaning “thin layer” or“thin leaf,” are divine pastries from the Campania region of Italy.Recipe French Semolina Cake This delightful French cake, known as gâteau de semoule, is a simple yet elegant dessert that showcases the rich, buttery flavor of semola flour, which is finely ground semolina.Recipe Cheese Breadsticks If you’re looking to make a homemade version of that favorite Cheese Breadsticks from your beloved pizza establishment, this recipe delivers.

Recipe Lemon Semolina Cake Fluffy whipped mascarpone frosting works as a creamy counterpoint to acidic and savory flavors of fresh lemon and bright olive oil.Recipe Basic Focaccia Dough With a light drizzle

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