These sugar free apple buns are easy-to-make, use ingredients you can easily find, and are perfect for a sweet breakfast or snack without a sugar high.They need resting and rising time, but there is little hands-on time needed and you can easily make a big batch and freeze for up to 3 months! Does anyone else find breakfast boring? My 4-year-old son never finds porridge and toast with peanut butter dull, as evidenced by his determination in getting the last bit of porridge out of the bowl with his sticky fingers, his spoon looking virtually untouched beside him.But me? I love porridge, but I still get bored of the same thing day in, day out.

There are few cereal options out there that aren’t loaded with 13 types of sugar, numerous additives and other unrecognisable ingredients.So we tend to rotate the same old porridge, Weetabix and Shredded Wheat options over and over.I’ve learned to expand my choices since we first discovered how few cereals fit the bill when we set out to stick to a low sugar diet.

We have eggs in some form a few times a week (huevos rancheros, scrambled/poached/fried/boiled, dippy eggs, eggs with bacon or sugar free baked beans, or with veggies like mushrooms, sweet potato or tomatoes…).But I rarely have time in the week for anything beyond quick-cook eggs or easy-to-pour cereal.Which is why weekends are my breakfast-time groove.

I get to spend a little more time prepping.And if we have busy weekends coming up, I can batch-

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