Home » How To Make Golden Syrup How To Make Golden Syrup April 25, 2020This post contains affiliate links.If you have a recipe that calls for Golden Syrup and you don’t have it, there’s no need to rush to the store or special order it – this tutorial will show you how to make golden syrup right in your kitchen!  Just 3 ingredients, 99% hands off, and it keeps for months! What Is Golden Syrup? Golden Syrup is something you may not have heard of unless you’re into British baking.  But it’s an indispensable ingredient when it comes to making a number of traditional British recipes.  And its versatility extends far beyond that (ideas on ways to use it below).Golden syrup (also known as light treacle) is a thick amber-colored inverted sugar syrup comprised of sugar, water and citric acid.  It has a deep caramelized, buttery flavor and has been a kitchen staple in Great Britain for over a century.  It’s also popular in Australia and New Zealand.You’ve probably see the the iconic green and gold cans of Lyle’s Golden Syrup.  In 2006 it made history when it was entered into the Guinness World Book of Records for having the world’s oldest branding and packaging.  The design and appearance of the cans have remained consistent for nearly 140 years.

This syrup is very thick (significantly thicker than corn syrup) and drizzles slowly.  In more recent years Lyle’s has also made their product available in squeeze bottles for convenience to use at the table.Go

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