I don’t remember where my family first came across the idea to make banana choc ices.It was probably on an episode of Blue Peter! 3 ingredients and no time at all – sounds like a “here’s one I made earlier” kind of recipe.It is the simplest “ice cream” to make, takes only 3 ingredients, tastes delicious, and is even better for you than blended banana ice cream as keeping the fruit intact means there is less sugar and more fibre, so it’s win-win! I’ve been trying to come up with cold low or no sugar snacks and desserts for the summer that feel like treats in preparation for the holidays, as I know that time off is often when many people struggle without sugar.

After many years of associating celebration and relaxation with sugary foods, it’s not too surprising, but I am trying to avoid us giving in too much in these periods by finding alternatives I can whip up quickly and easily (because who wants to put effort into providing snacks and treats when it’s a hundred degrees outside?).Admittedly, we are unlikely to have that problem for long in England! In my search for these goodies, I was reminded of this pudding my sister and I used to make often on hot days growing up.We rarely ate ice cream (it was usually a treat reserved to a day or two in Italy in the summer), but I have vivid memories of these being our alternative and not feeling like I was missing out at all! I made these with the kids on a hot day, and my husband and I quickly dug in,

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