What is it about the sun coming out and spring settling in that brings out the urge to eat more healthily and eat warm or even cold foods rather than piping hot comfort food for dinner? Mind you, this is British spring we are talking about, so there are definite veg-packed fish pie, full-on-comfort-food days still.But I feel like I suddenly want to eat a little bit more salad, and maybe a little bit less cheese.Ok, scrap that last bit, I always want to eat cheese.

And lots of it.This is a great healthy, “just pulled together from the storecupboard” kind of dinner that is satisfying and just that little bit warming while still being healthy, packed full of veg, and technically, a salad.Without any lettuce.

Because that’s how all the best salads start, right? Our food budget rarely stretches to fresh fish, so we rely a lot on tinned oily fish and frozen white fish to reach our weekly recommended intakes.Tinned sardines are a staple in our house, and smoked mackerel, frozen prawns or frozen pollock are frequently in our fridge and freezer.Although we occasionally have frozen wild salmon, I can’t say it’s a luxury we can afford often.

But tinned salmon is much cheaper, and in the right dishes, once flaked in, you really don’t notice that much difference.You can use the standard tinned or cooked fresh/frozen tuna in this recipe, of course, or even tinned sardines.I love that it is adaptable like that.

But when I am lacking a dinner plan in the spri

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