Steamed Pork Patty with Salted Duck Eggs by: Bill 0 Comments Jump to Recipe Posted:12/18/2022Updated:12/16/2022 A Steamed Pork Patty with Salted Duck Eggs is classic Cantonese comfort food.My mom used to make it whenever she made a homemade batch of salted duck eggs, or if she could find uncooked ones at the market.  Needless to say, growing up in rural upstate NY, it wasn’t easy to find freshly salted duck eggs.If my mom announced she was making this steamed meat patty for dinner, my sisters and I really looked forward to it! Steamed Pork Patty Recipes  Steamed pork patty dishes were a familiar dinnertime staple in our family.

My mom cooked lots of variations, like our steamed pork patty with preserved vegetables and our steamed pork cake with salted fish.  In our latest cookbook, The Woks of Life, Recipes to Know and Love from a Chinese American Family, we also feature a recipe for Steamed Pork Patty with Preserved Mustard Greens (moi choy in Cantonese / mei cai in Mandarin).White rice is a must when eating any steamed pork patty, because they are salty and bursting with flavor.My mom always made sure there was plenty of rice.  It’s a great dish to round out a Chinese spread, or you could just cook this, steam some rice, and saute some leafy greens for a delicious simple meal!  What Are Salted Duck Eggs? Salted duck eggs are a trendy ingredient these days.

You may have seen salted duck egg yolk pumpkin fries or salted duc

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