Nourish your body quickly and easily and beat the cold & flu season with my 6 ideas of no-prep healthy foods for sickness.PLUS, I’ve written out an entire day’s worth of 5-min prep sick day foods for when you need more than just a little boost.It’s officially cold & flu season, and while my husband and kids rarely get sick, we’ve already been hit, and I never really avoid it! Part of having chronic fatigue syndrome is the very real struggle with semi-constant viruses that well and truly knock you out and leave you extremely drained.

I’m used to fatigue and muscle ache, but my healthy diet and lifestyle usually allow me to reduce symptoms and keep going with my day-to-day life without too much trouble, but at this time of year… well, you all know that flu feeling.Urgh.Sickness is hard on your body (I know this more than most) and it leaves you achey and exhausted, particularly when you have little kids following you around and lunches to make and school drop offs to do.

But just because the fatigue sets in and you need time to rest doesn’t mean you need to give up on eating well for a bit.In fact, it’s more important than ever to nourish your body (and your family’s bodies) through sickness.Healthy food is thought of as high-prep food that takes ages to prepare.

But this is simply not true.Yes, you can spend all day in the kitchen cooking a meal from scratch, but you don’t have to! Whether it is taking healthy shortcuts

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