Home » Ultimate Beef Ragu Ultimate Beef Ragu Written on June 20, 2021As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases.Nothing speaks comfort like a plate of hot pasta topped with this deliciously rich and robust beef ragu!  This beef ragu recipe is one of my all-time favorite pasta sauces and is a regular in our home.  Rich and hearty and positively PACKED with flavor, we’re confident you’re going to love it too! This is one of my all-time favorite pasta sauces and it’s one that my kids and husband regularly request.  There’s never a drop left on their plates and seconds are usually requested.  Besides being absolutely delicious, another reason I love this dish is that the sauce can be made well in advance, the flavor only improves with time, and I can double or even triple the recipe so I have leftovers on hand during a busy week.  It’s also a great potluck dish to feed a crowd.Also known as Ragu di Carne, this traditional Italian meat sauce is a wonderful stick-to-your-ribs eating experience.  I make mine with ground beef, sausage, and bacon for a flavor-packed sauce.  I also include onions, garlic, carrots, celery, Roma tomatoes, tomato sauce, red wine, heavy cream, and Italian herbs.  And for an additional punch of umami you can include some dried ground porcini mushrooms.  The vegetables are caramelized in butter and olive oil and the ragu is cooked on low for an hour.  The end result will wow your taste buds! Ragu vs Bolognese – What is

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