How to Create a School Morning Routine
With planning, practice, and patience, you can nail down a school morning routine that prepares everyone in the family to take on the day.Whether you are getting your littles off to elementary or teens to highschool, a good morning routine helps the entire family start off feeling good! Sometimes it feels like as soon as your feet hit the floor in the morning, the craziness begins.Getting the entire family ready for school and getting to where you need to be on time can be quite a challenge.
Keep reading for our best tips to create a school morning routine that encourages both positivity and productivity in the early morning.TABLE OF CONTENTSTactical Routine Tips1.Get Ready the Night Before2.
Set Sleep Goals3.Routine Charts 4.Create a Schedule Calendar5.
Add Some Fun6.Create a Command Center for Often Use Items7.Offer Small Rewards for Getting It All DoneEmotional Routine Tips1.
Share Morning Affirmations2.Take a Few Minutes to Connect Tactical Routine Tips 1.Get Ready the Night Before I think this might be the number one thing to a successful school morning. The more you can get done the night before, the better your morning will be.
Pack lunches the night before. I read something that I think is pretty great. Two lunch rules: Rule #1: Kids make their own lunches.Rule #2: If the lunches aren’t made by 7AM, you buy lunch that day.I love these rules because my kids are motivated by the thought of having to get school lunch. My job is to provide a gen
Foody Chum
Publisher: Super Healthy Kids