These sugar free banana crêpes are fluffy, filling and fantastic! They taste as good as they look, but require little effort and no sugar.Perfect for a weeknight dessert that feels fancy but takes minutes to make.Do your family whinge when you answer “fruit” again when they ask what’s for dessert? We try to stick with fruit and/or yogurt as our weeknight puddings 80% of the time and keep the treats for the weekends.

And while my kids are mostly pretty happy to munch through a bowl of mango or slurp up a bowl of yogurt topped with cinnamon, there are days when fruit for dessert again feels a little monotonous, especially to my husband and I.It’s on those days that I like to have some fancy fruit ideas up my sleeve that are low in sugar and sweetener.This is one of those ideas.

Because let’s face it, fruit instantly becomes more tasty when cooked, more exciting when rolled up in a pancake, and more fun when drizzled with chocolate! So if you have one of those evenings this week where you or your family just don’t want to eat another plain banana, why not chat through everyone’s day for 15 mins while you whip up easy crêpes and fry the bananas to make it extra special.The oohs and aahs will be worth it! Sugar Free Banana Crêpes Prep Time 5 mins Cook Time 10 mins Total Time 15 mins   These sugar free banana crêpes are fluffy, filling and fantastic! T

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