Chicken and Mushroom Clay Pot Rice by: Bill 90 Comments Jump to Recipe Posted:2/14/2022Updated:2/14/2022 Chicken and Mushroom Clay Pot Rice is a picture-perfect Chinese comfort food dish.It has an incredible earthy flavor, courtesy of the classic combination of Chinese black mushrooms, wood ear mushrooms and lily flower.It also has the silkiest chicken you ever tasted.

Note: This recipe was originally published in September 2014.We have since re-tested and re-photographed it, and republished it with clearer instructions, metric measurements, and more! Remembering My Mother’s Clay Pot Meals I just had a hankering for a warming clay pot meal, and decided to adapt one of my mother’s best.My mom used to prepare this dish all the time in the steamer (without the rice) and served it family-style.

In Cantonese, it’s called “waat gai”  (滑鸡).The only literal translation I could muster up is “slippery chicken.” (If you’d like to just make the chicken dish without the rice, check out our steamed chicken and mushrooms recipe.) Basically, by steaming the chicken, it ends up with a great silky texture and flavor.Our family always looked forward to dinner when we smelled it in the air, and as kids, we just loved to drown our rice in the soupy deliciousness at the bottom of the plate.

So as you can imagine…the minute I tasted this, it transported me back to childhood: Well it wasn’t quite that dramatic, but you get

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