You don't have to go to Starbucks to get an iced matcha latte.Instead, make this recipe at home! This energizing drink is cool, creamy, and delicious.Jump to recipe Meet my go-to iced matcha latte recipe! I make this energizing drink just about every day from the start of summer to when the temps dip in the fall.

It’s cool and creamy, with a slightly grassy, earthy flavor that I absolutely love.Matcha took off in popularity in the US a few years back, and these days, you can find an iced matcha latte on almost any coffee shop menu.I still order one out from time to time, but for the most part, I prefer to make my own iced matcha latte at home.Here’s why:I can choose the matcha powder. Ippodo Ummon is my favorite.

Check out my best matcha powder guide to find the right matcha for you! I get to control the balance of flavors.I’ve had some crazy-sweet iced matcha lattes at coffee shops before, and I’ve gotten others that just taste like milk.At home, I can use my preferred matcha to liquid ratio (1 teaspoon to 8 ounces) and add sweetener to taste.

When you make your own iced matcha latte, be sure to taste and adjust to find a balance of flavors you love.What is Matcha?Before we get to the recipe, I want to give you a little background on matcha.This green tea powder was first produced in Japan in the 1100s, and it is used in traditional Japanese tea ceremonies.Made from shade-grown green tea leaves that are ground to a fine powder, matcha is known for its hig

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