Firm Tofu: Chinese Ingredients Glossary - The Woks of Life
Firm Tofu by: Everyone 0 Comments Posted:9/29/2022Updated:9/29/2022 There are dozens of types of tofu, but firm tofu is one of the most versatile.In this article, we’ll talk about what firm tofu is, how it’s different from other common types of tofu, how it’s used, and more! What Is Firm Tofu? Tofu, also known as bean curd, is made from soy milk that’s been coagulated to separate the solids and the liquid.The process is similar to cheesemaking, in which dairy milk is curdled, separated, and the curds are strained and/or pressed to produce different types of cheese. Once separated out, the soybean curds are molded into a cake.
They can then be compressed to strain out the remaining water.How long the tofu is pressed depends on the desired firmness of the tofu. Firm tofu is a type of fresh tofu with a medium level of water content when compared with silken (on the wetter end) or extra firm (on the drier end).It is the most versatile type of fresh tofu, soft enough to be used in soups and steamed dishes, yet firm enough to be pan-fried or stir-fried without falling apart. It is also one of the most common types of tofu, becoming readily available even in regular supermarkets. You may also find extra-firm tofu, which is not as common.
It is a pressed fresh tofu that has had more moisture pressed out of it than firm tofu, with an even sturdier texture.Like firm tofu, it comes in blocks packed in water in rectangular pla
Foody Chum
Publisher: The Woks of Life