The Cookbook is Almost Here – Sneak Peeks!  by: Everyone 0 Comments Posted:10/03/2022Updated:10/04/2022 We’re getting closer to November 1, the day our cookbook will finally be in your hands! We couldn’t be more thrilled, and it’s a good time to share some extra tidbits about the book.  What’s more, we’ve got other posts planned over the next month to share behind the scenes from the book development process, so this is just post #1!   What have we been up to? We’ve been pretty quiet since we revealed the cover back in April, but time flies! It’s hard to believe we’ll be in 2023 soon.(Side note: my and Sarah’s childhoods called—our memories may now be classified as a “period film.”) Behind the scenes, we’ve been having chats with our publisher about getting a few events and fun appearances squared away, as well as putting together a little surprise for folks who pre-order (or already pre-ordered) the book! More on that soon!  PLUS we’ve officially gotten our hands on two copies! People have been asking us for copies, but we only have two!! Of course we’ve been showing them to friends and family, and we’re already using the book regularly in our own kitchen! I believe soy sauce and grease spots have officially landed—the sign of a well-loved cookbook! So what’s in the cookbook?  When we set out to write this book, we wanted it to be comprehensive—the recipes that we’ve loved from our grand

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