Tomato Hot Pot with Beef by: Sarah 0 Comments Jump to Recipe Posted:12/03/2021Updated:12/03/2021 This Tomato Hot Pot with Beef is the perfect warming meal to take you through the winter.  The tart and sweet tomatoes provide the perfect contrast to the marbled, thinly sliced beef.Enoki mushrooms and mung bean vermicelli both add additional textural contrast for a warming, satisfying meal.  Is This a “Hot Pot?” Well, technically, it’s a soup, but it would be made even better if you put the pot on an induction or other electric burner and enjoyed it while it was piping hot and bubbling away!  You could also put it in an electric hot pot.That said, if you don’t have a portable electric burner, you can enjoy this as a soup as well.  What Kind of Beef Do I Need? You will need the thinly sliced beef that’s normally served with a hot pot.

Look for packages like this in your local Chinese grocery:  The thin beef cooks quickly and has a great texture after a quick poaching process.You’ll notice that I actually blanch the beef before adding the soup.This boils off any blood and impurities (that come to the surface of the boiling water as foam), and yields a cleaner soup.

It also cooks off some of the excess fat.  That said, you DO lose a bit of the beef flavor to that pot of blanching water, so if you want to preserve flavor and don’t mind your soup being a little cloudy, you can add the beef directly to the soup rather tha

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