Perfect Smashed Potatoes! Red potatoes are boiled, then smashed and roasted on a baking sheet until crispy on the outside, soft and tender on the inside.It’s a savory side made with simple everyday ingredients that will quickly become the highlight of any meal!  Crispy Smashed Red Potatoes Smashed potatoes are just as they sound – nicely rounded potatoes are smashed into organically shaped, jagged edged disks and finished in a hot oven with a fair dose of olive oil until they are golden brown.You only need four ingredients to make these tempting, roasted smashed potatoes! And if you want to really take them over the top you can finish them with a final layer of complementary flavor.

Variations include adding nutty parmesan and bold garlic, vibrant lemon, or flavor concentrated fresh herbs.While the method is a multi-step process, the end result is well worth the extra bit of effort! It’s a humble potato dish that really stands apart from the others, plus it’s a fun change to add to the menu.It’s like a more sophisticated spin on fries or mashed potatoes.

In other words, who could resist? Smashed Potatoes Recipe Ingredients 2 lbs red potatoes, each about 2-inches 5 Tbsp olive oil, divided Salt and freshly ground black pepper 2 Tbsp minced fresh parsley Optional Ingredients (pick one version) Parmesan and garlic Lemon Fresh thyme, rosemary or dill How to Make Crispy Smashed Potatoes Boil the potatoes until tender: Place potatoes in a large pot (6 qu

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