How to Grow Bok Choy by: Sarah 0 Comments Posted:6/16/2022Updated:6/10/2022 Welcome to our How to Grow Chinese Vegetables series: Bok Choy edition! In this post, we’ll talk about how to grow bok choy (also sometimes spelled, pak choi).  We’ll cover different varieties, ideal growing conditions, problems you may encounter and how to avoid them, harvesting best practices, and even some history! We have professional insights from Christina Chan, farmer and owner of Choy Division, a regenerative Asian vegetable and herb farm in the Hudson Valley (check out their CSA!), who has generously offered to share her expertise with us and our readers.We also have our own tips and learnings from growing bok choy in our garden this year.Towards the end of the post, we’ll talk about how our bok choy planting went in more detail! About Bok Choy & Why It’s Worth Growing  Bok Choy belongs to the Brassica genus of vegetables, which includes cauliflower, kale, radishes, broccoli, and mustard greens.  It’s rich in fiber, calcium, vitamin C, vitamin K, folate, and many other vitamins and minerals, making it a delicious and healthy addition to your meals (and garden).  It is considered a “non-heading cabbage,” in that it doesn’t have leaves that curl inward to form a dense ball.

Rather, the leaves bush out a bit while still being connected at the base.  These vegetables come in various sizes and varieties.They’re one of the bigge

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