Chinese Cured Pork Belly (Cantonese Lap yuk) by: Judy 176 Comments Jump to Recipe Posted:1/21/2022Updated:1/21/2022 Chinese cured pork belly, or là ròu (腊肉) in Mandarin and lap yuk in Cantonese, is a staple in Chinese cuisine.Late autumn and winter is a great time to make this at home.I just whipped up two batches, and I couldn’t believe how good it was! The first batch was quickly divided up and given out as gifts, and I had to promptly make another batch for ourselves.

(There is no better gift than a couple of prized pieces of this pork belly, so if you’re searching for something to give family and friends for Chinese New Year or another special occasion…look no further.) I have to say, this is one of the best versions of this Chinese cured pork belly or maybe any Chinese cured meat that I’ve ever had.Note: this recipe was originally published in December of 2015.We have since updated it with a brand new video showing the entire process, metric measurements, and clearer instructions.

Enjoy! A Grandma Recipe It was originally not in the plan to do this as a recipe post for the blog, knowing that it probably wouldn’t be as popular as our Milk Bread or Pork Fried Rice.But one night, I threw a piece of this cured pork belly into the rice cooker and cooked it together with the rice, and Sarah and Kaitlin demolished the entire thing! We decided on the spot that we needed to document this homemade Chinese cured

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