Valentine’s Day is very different with young children in the house.If you are lucky, they sleep enough and you have enough of a support system where you live to get a babysitter in and have dinner out alone, but often the day is filled with the usual busy-ness, mayhem, hilarious misunderstandings and tantrums that make up our lives as parents.Sadly, young children tend not to know when it is a special day, holidays, or even a weekend! But it can be really lovely to celebrate Valentine’s Day with our kids.

To show them we love them and do activities with them.To have a family day out, a special meal or some creative time all together.In fact, I have included a simple banana chocolate bite recipe below that is a bit more kid-friendly if you want to get making something special together! And when the day is out and the kids are finally in bed, then it can be nice to share a treat as a couple.

But most Valentine’s Day products or recipes contain a huge amount of sugar.For some reason, we have come to believe that days like this are not complete without sugar.You could turn it completely on its head and make a savoury or non-food treat of course.

But if you fancy something sweet and want to avoid the sugar crash, I have just the recipe for you.It will take you little prep time and effort, tastes luxurious and expensive, and has no sugar in it at all.Well, actually, if you use a low sugar 85% dark chocolate, it has about 0.5g per chocolate.

But I hope you will excu

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