Tuna Tomato PastaNow more than ever, we need to talk about one of our all-time favorite pantry recipes.Today, we’re sharing our Tuna Tomato Pasta, which can be made with just 9 ingredients that many of you probably have on hand. That said, if you’re missing something, we’ve got tips and suggested substitutions for every single ingredient so you don’t have to go crazy with food shopping regret.  When In Lockdown, In Pantry We TrustTuna Tomato Pasta is one of our favorite recipes to eat, period.It’s also a pantry-based recipe that you can put on the table in under 30 minutes! We’ve been wanting to blog this one for a long time, as it truly makes regular appearances on our dinner table. With everyone hunkered down at home for the foreseeable future amidst the Coronavirus crisis, we had a newfound sense of urgency to publish this! No joke, this was the first recipe that came to mind when game planning our personal social distancing dinner plans this past week.Sarah and I live just outside of New York City, and in these parts, we’re pretty much on full lockdown.

Bars, restaurants, movie theaters, nail salons, and any other “non-essential” establishments have been closed. Restaurants can no longer serve food other than delivery or pickup.New Jersey has a strongly encouraged 8 PM curfew every night.Most people are working from home, and I for one, have been in my apartment for 9 straight days already.For those of you in areas that haven’t yet experienced

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