So you’ve had one too many mince pies and glasses of champagne and the sugar cravings have tripled in the last couple of weeks.Oooh, I get it.I’ve been there.

The Christmas season can be tough when you are trying to stay off too much sugar.And as New Year’s Day comes and goes, so many of us come up with the same resolution: get healthy.Cut back on the sugar and processed foods.

Eat more real food.More vegetables.Be healthier.

January can be a rough month, made harder by the fact that eating sugar and sweet things increases cravings.It becomes a vicious cycle: the more sugar we eat, the more sugar we want.It is part of the addictive properties of fructose.

So I thought I would put together some of my top tips to help you through the first (the hardest) month, with a few simple how tos: 1.How to Curb Cravings This is the problem I get asked about most.It can be so hard to stay motivated when that piece of cake is genuinely staring at you.

Yes, I have been there.It can be seriously difficult in the first couple of weeks of being sugar free to not give in to the “you can’t ignore me” cravings.The main thing to know, that I can promise you having experienced it firsthand, is that it does get easier.

In fact, the longer you are able to stay off sugar or stick to a low sugar lifestyle, the easier it becomes.Your tastebuds change, your cravings change, and suddenly you find a sugary cake actually unpleasant to eat (I know that sounds impossible now, but i

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