Healthy lunchboxes.Can you feel your heartbeat rising as you contemplate those words? Packing a healthy lunchbox can feel like a stressful task, but the truth is, once you’ve got the basics covered and have taken a few mins to plan ahead, it can be very simple.To show you just how simple, I wanted to show you how I make varied, balanced, healthy lunchboxes for a week from 3 cooked items (and a handful of pre-prepped or simple prepped ones).

This is the formula I use almost every week! Let’s start with the 3 basic recipes: Simple roast chicken (or simple cooked dried beans for a veggie version) I personally love cooking a whole free-range chicken in my InstantPot in just 45 mins.It still amazes me I can do that! This is the recipe I use.Not got an InstantPot? The next easiest way is to stick a whole chicken (or 2 if your crock pot is big enough) into a slow cooker and leave it to cook on Low for 6-8 hours like this recipe.

Or stick with tradition and pop a whole chicken in your oven at 200C/400F/gas 6 for 1.5-2 hours (depending on the size of the chicken) like this recipe.Once you have your roasted chicken, remove the meat from the carcass and slice thinly or shred.Keep in the fridge for a few days or freeze in portions for up to 3 months.

(PS: Don’t throw out the carcass – stick it in a large stockpot or saucepan and cover with water, chuck in some veg scraps like carrot ends, onion bits and celery hearts and add a little salt, pepper an

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