Mushroom Fried Rice by: Bill 0 Comments Jump to Recipe Posted:7/09/2022Updated:7/08/2022 Mushroom fried rice is sometimes forgotten, but it’s really delicious! In fact, when I brought up this recipe, Kaitlin asked, “Is that a thing?” I’m here to tell you, yes, it is “a thing!” Fresh or Dried Over Canned My mushroom fried rice has come a long way from my days working at the restaurant.Back then, pre-sliced and pre-cooked mushrooms came straight out of large gallon cans.Fresh mushrooms were a rare sight for fried rice and even stir fries.  I have to admit that canned mushrooms do have their place—canned Chinese straw mushrooms are next to impossible to find fresh, and they can actually be quite fragrant.

That said, canned mushrooms in general can also be pretty rubbery and plain old soggy.  Kaitlin always clarifies with our local pizza places if they use canned or fresh mushrooms, and some of you might be rolling your eyes right now, but believe me, you can always tell in that slice of pizza whether they told the truth!  Then there are dried mushrooms, which provide a different value proposition—offering an extra hit of deeper flavor and a more substantial texture.(This also makes them ideal for braised dishes.) Generally, fresh or dried mushrooms are best.In this recipe, we’re using both for a mix of flavor and texture.  What Kind of Mushrooms Are Best for Fried Rice? Luckily, these days, there are so many more

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