Bok Choy: Different Types & How to Cook it by: Everyone 0 Comments Posted:3/31/2022Updated:3/28/2022 Bok choy (also sometimes spelled pak choy or pok choi) is one of the most commonly available and widely known Chinese vegetables in the United States (and outside of China generally).  There are different varieties, which can cause confusion at the grocery store.This article will clearly explain the various types and how to cook them!  What is Bok Choy? Bok Choy is a Chinese leafy green vegetable in the cabbage and mustard (brassica) family.It comes in several different varieties, but is generally characterized by stalks attached at the base of the vegetable, like celery or napa cabbage.  Bok choy is actually the Cantonese name of the vegetable (白菜 – báicài in Mandarin, or literally, “white vegetable”).

Many early Chinese immigrants to the U.S.were Cantonese, which is why that name has stuck! Don’t confuse it with dà báicài (大白菜 – literally, “big white vegetable”), which is the Chinese word for napa cabbage.  The stems are crisp and relatively thick, and can be white or pale green in color.The leaves can be ruffled or flat/paddle-shaped, ranging from green to dark green.

There is also a wide variety of sizes.Immature baby ones can fit in the palm of your hand, while larger specimens can be as big as a bunch of celery (and usually thicker/heavier)!  It is most commonly stir-fried, but can also be

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