The absolute BEST Zucchini Bread recipe! It has the perfect texture with a super soft and moist crumb (thanks to the abundance of fresh zucchini added) and it has a classic spiced flavor that will leave you craving more!Easy Zucchini BreadI think I’ve already made this six times in the last few weeks.When summer is the season at hand this is the quick bread to be making!And it’s absolutely perfect when you cut a warm from the oven slice.Or two.

Or three.It’s actually dangerously delicious! Addictive stuff I tell you.Who knew zucchini could somehow become absolutely irresistible? Sugar has a way of transforming many things into something so tasty, doesn’t it?I think it’s safe to say this is the number one way to use up garden fresh zucchini.Even kids will love it!And you’ll love just how easy it is to make! No mixer is even required.

Just the good old fashioned way of mixing by hand.Zucchini Bread Ingredients and SubstitutesAll-purpose flour: I like to use unbleached all-purpose flour (it has a better flavor), but bleached can be used if that’s all you have.Ground cinnamon and nutmeg: If you don’t have these you could try using 3 teaspoons of pumpkin pie spice.Baking powder and baking soda: This blend helps the bread rise beautifully.Salt: Since there is so much zucchini in this recipe a fair amount of salt is added so it doesn’t taste flat.Don’t worry though, the bread doesn’t taste salty.Light brown sugar: In a pinch white sugar could be used in th

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