Home » Home and Garden » How to Save Pea Seeds How to Save Pea Seeds May 8, 2022 by Kimberly Killebrew · No CommentsAs an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases.See my disclosure policy.So you’ve grown some beautiful, healthy pea plants and you want to save some of the seeds to grow next year?  It’s super easy to do!  This tutorial will show you how to harvest pea seeds, how to save pea seeds, and how to store pea seeds for future plantings.

One thing to remember when you’re wanting to save pea seeds to plant the following year is to not shortchange yourself on an abundant harvest.  I’ve done this to myself on more than one occasion:  Wanting to make sure I had enough seeds to save I would refrain from picking too many and thus miss out enjoying the fresh peas in the meantime.  Remember that pea plants are prolific and will continue producing as long as you’re harvesting.  So go ahead and leave a few peas on the vines towards the end of the growing season, but don’t be afraid to harvest and enjoy those fresh peas now.Choose Open-Pollinated Pea Varieties  When saving vegetables seeds you need to choose open-pollinated varieties instead of hybrids as open-pollinated will produce plants and fruit similar to the parent plant.  Open-pollinated varieties may also be “heirloom” varieties.When choosing a plant to save seeds from, choose your healthiest, most vigorous plant.  You want to preserve the best genetics  from which to propagate f

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